WEATHER STATUS UPDATE: It looks like we have the potential for another snowstorm on Monday night into Tuesday. Please check this website before leaving for the meeting on Monday as inclement weather may be cancelling the LR meeting this month. The website will be updated by 5 p.m. on Monday. - Sorry folks but it's all about safety first!
Lightroom Users Group is only open to members of Sparta Camera Club. If you'd like to join the group, please consider signing up for membership with our club.
There is a small fee collected at each Lightroom Users Group meeting to cover the cost of the room rental for the evening.
You may sign-up for the event here online so we have a count of how many people plan to attend.
Topic: Continuing with the Develop Module and post-processing your photos in LR
Members are encouraged to bring their laptops and have any questions they might have on Lightroom. Beginner to Advanced users welcome.
All Content © Sparta Camera Club and their respective members. No photos displayed on this site may be used without permission from the credited photographer.