Non-Club Events & Links
Non Club Events
The following events and links are not sponsored by the Sparta Camera Club, but were compiled and submitted by active club members as opportunities to get involved in and some terrific online locations to continue learning the craft and art of photography. If you have an event or link that you'd like to contribute, please submit the request to info@spartacameraclub.org. Upcoming Events Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council XPOSE 10 This is the annual Juried Photography Exhibit by the SCAHC. Cash prizes are awarded. Photos must be submitted by January 2nd. Please see entry and contest information in the attached document. 10th Annual Xpose Rules and Guidelines Updated Entry Deadline 12-2024.pdf Upcoming Competitions The NJFCC Competition Schedule is shown below. The SCC winners for prior competitions are shown below. The full results and the photos can be seen on the NJFCC website at www.NJFCC.org. SCC members can enter the NJFCC digital competitions through Photo Contest Pro (PCP). The entry dates for the NJFCC 24/25 Competitions are listed below. Rules and guidelines are in the attached document. NJFCC Competition Schedule
Please see the NJFCC website/competitions (www.NJFCC.org) for more details and to see the complete list of winners and their photos.
NJFCC 2021-2024 Competitions Congrats to All Winners! Winning pictures can be viewed at www.NJFCC.org (Competition Tab) NJFCC Fall Nature 2024 Botany Honorable Mention: Wild Flower by Marv Kaminsky Ornithology Merit Award: Stretching Hummer by Michael Tracy Honorable Mention: Fish Toss by Kent Stuart Zoology Honorable Mention: Stump Stabber Wasp.... by Peter Rathjens Honorable Mention: You Caught Me by Donald Rubino Honorable Mention: Spider on a Petal by Jessica Williams NJFCC Spring Nature 2024 General Nature-Honorable Mentions: Icicle Works by Frank Urbaniak Ornithology-Honorable Mentions: Lil Green Heron by Elaine Norman Great Blue Heron by Kent Stuart Pied Bill Grebe in the Mist by Kent Stuart Zoological-Honorable Mentions Bison at the Madison River by Donald May NJFCC Spring Pictorial Pictorial General-Honorable Mentions Preparing to Sail by Donald May Gnat Snack Fever by Frank Urbaniak Pictorial Creative-Honorable Mentions Intertwined by Kathie Baker Madcap Martini by Diane Brunovsky NJFCC Winter Pictorial 2024 Pictorial Creative-Honorable Mentions After the Apocalypse by Eleanor Bortnick Harmony in Nature by Diane Brunovsky The Squawker by Diane Brunovsky Pictorial Open-Merit Award Flexible by Marv Kaminsky Pictorial Open-Honorable Mention Oculus NYC by Retta Cheung Sunset over a Foggy Harbor by Donald May Jumping Spider on a Rusty Nail by Michael Tracy NJFCC Winter Nature 2024 General Nature: Merit Award: Morning Fog by Bob Kochenthal Merit Award: Yanert Glacier, Alaska by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: Adirondack Night by Virginia Kolstad Ornithology: Honorable Mention: Tending to Her Eggs by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: Early Morning Stroll on the Beach by Jessica Williams Honorable Mention: Dinner For Warbler by Subhra Bhattacharya Zoology: Honorable Mention: Amberwing by Michael Tracy Honorable Mention: Black Bear #3 by Kent Stuart Honorable Mention: Familiar Bluet by Peter Rathgens Fall Pictorial 2023 Pictorial Creative: Honorable Mention: High Torque by Bob Baker Honorable Mention: In the Garden by Kathie Baker Honorable Mention: New York, New York by Kathie Baker Fall Pictorial Open Honorable Mention: Cabinet by Marv Kaminsky Fall Nature 2023 Botanical: Honorable Mention: Vine Maples by Frank Urbaniak Ornithology: Honorable Mention: Group Hug by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: Wood Duck on Tranquil Waters by Gary Bainbridge Zoology: Honorable Mention: Robber Fly by Subhra Bhattacharya Honorable Mention: Miss Lady Bug by Diane Brunovsky Spring Pictorial 2023 Competition Pictorial Creative: Honorable Mentions Criss Cross, Kathie Baker Mount Hope Office, Peter Rathgens Pictorial Open Merit Award: Julian, Subhra Battachcharya Honorable Mention: Apples in a Basket, Subhra Battacharya Spring Nature 2023 Botanical: Honorable Mention: Begonia Beauty, Retta Cheung
Winter Pictorial 2023 Competition Pictorial Open: Honorable Mentions: Kathie Baker: Bellowing the Flames Marv Kaminsky: Blue Ford and Last Chance Garage Virginia Kolstad: Lighting the 'Way' Pictorial Creative: Honorable Mentions: Subhra Battacharya, Water Janet Defeo, Mature Dandelion Puffball Bruce Ryerson, Spooky Bob Kochenthal, Confusion Reigns Winter Nature 2023 Competition General Nature: Merit Award: Morning Fog by Bob Kochenthal Merit Award: Yanert Glacier, Alaska by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: Adirondack Night by Virginia Kolstad Ornithology: Honorable Mention: Tending to Her Eggs by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: Early Morning Stroll by Jessica Williams Honorable Mention: Dinner For Warbler by Subhra Bhattacharya Zoology: Honorable Mention: Amberwing by Michael Tracy Honorable Mention: Black Bear #3 by Kent Stuart Honorable Mention: Familiar Bluet by Peter Rathgens Fall Pictorial 2022 Competition Pictorial Creative: Merit Award: Subhra Bhatacharya, Liquid Sculpture Honorable Mention: Diane Brunovsky, Keeping Up Floating Ideas, Bob Baker In Bound Flight, Bob Baker Blocks, Kathie Baker Pictorial Open: Honorable Mention: Marv Kaminsky, Old Dodge Pickup Fall Nature 2022 Competition General Nature Honorable Mention: Michael Bellush, Oxbow Bend in Grand Tetons, NP Ornithology Honorable Mention: Marv Kaminsky, Pray With Me Honorable Mention: Frank Urbaniak, Cone Flower Snack Spring Pictorial Creative Competition Honorable Mention, Steve Firmender, Pennies From Heaven Spring 2022 Nature Competition General Nature: Honorable Mention, Marv Kaminsky, Looking Up Ornithology: Honorable Mention: Peter Rathgens, Green Winged Teal Zoological: Merit Award: Marv Kaminsky, Just Thinking Winter 2022 Nature Competition Botany: Merit Award, Marv Kaminsky, Alaskan Fern General Nature: Honorable Mention, Virginia Kolstad, Milky Way Reflections Ornithology: Honorable Mention, Diane Brunovsky, Great Horned Owl in Black & White. Zoology: Merit Award, Gary Bainbridge, Elegant Spreadwing Damselfly Honorable Mention, Marv Kaminsky, Jelly of the Sea Winter 2022 Pictorial Competition Pictorial Creative: Merit: Diane Brunovsky, Intricacies of the Common Dandelion Merit: Steve Firmender, Cookies from Heaven Pictorial Open: Honorable Mention: Mary Fettes, Children in Church Honorable Mention: Virginia Kolstad, Bridge at Night Honorable Mention: Donald May, Steam Power Honorable Mention: Frank Urbaniak, Liberty Loop Autumn AM Fall 2021 Nature Competition Zoology: Honorable Mention: Gary Bainbridge, Swamp Spreadwing Dragonfly, Honorable Mention: Michael Tracy, Arrow Clubtail, Botany: Honorable Mention: Marv Kaminsky, Dahlia Pictorial Open: Honorable Mention: Virginia Kolstad, 911 View-NYC Spring 2021 Pictorial Competition Pictorial Creative: Honorable Mention: Fantasy Story book by Eleanor Bortnick Pictorial Creative: Honorable Mention: Rust Never Sleeps by Frank Urbaniak Spring 2021 Nature Competition Botanical: Merit Award: Fern by Mary Fettes Botanical: Honorable Mention: Snow on Grass by Michael Clark General Nature: Honorable Mention: Little Pigeon River by Mary Fettes Winter 2021 Pictorial Competition Pictorial Open: Honorable Mention: Speedwell Falls by Steve Firmender Pictorial Open: Honorable Mention: Dutch Windmill by Marv Kaminsky Winter 2021 Nature Competition Botanical: Honorable Mention: Wild Wine Raspberries by Mary Fettes General: Honorable Mention: Blackwater Sunset by Virginia Kolstad General: Honorable Mention: Waywawanda Stream in Melting Snow by Frank Urbaniak Fall 2020 Pictorial Competition Creative Pictorial Honorable Mention: Captured by a Butterfly by Diane Brunovsky Honorable Mention: First Crocus of Spring by Janet Defeo Pictorial Open Honorable Mention: Up, Up and Away by Bruce Ryerson Honorable Mention: Castle Hill Lighthouse by Joy Schmitz Fall 2020 Nature Competition Botanical: Honorable Mention: Daisy by Nancy Madacsi Honorable Mention: Sunflower by Joy Schmitz General: Honorable Mention: Black River by Edwin Klein
Ornithological: Honorable Mention: Scarlet Tanager by Leesa Beckmann Honorable Mention: Proud One by Diane Brunovsky Zoological: Honorable Mention: Stuck the Landing by Sean Garvin
Other Competitions / Events Additional NJFCC events and other photography events are posted on Meetup.com. We encourage Sparta Camera Club members to join at the following link to learn about many worthwhile presentations. Join Meetup.com |