A Great Nature Photography Workshop
Night Photography of the New York City Skyline
Date: December 15 2012
Where: Palisades Mall, West Nyack, NY 10994
Workshop 10am to 5pm (We will leave the Sparta area between 8:15 am and 8:30 am)
There is a $10 charge to attend the workshop - a great bargain for an all day seminar with three such talented presenters.
For more details see: http://www.meetup.com/Ridgewood-Camera-Club-Meetup-Group/events/89757112/
The presenters' websites are at:
Something to Eat 5pm - 6pm
The Palisades Mall has numerous choices of eating facilities.
New York City Skyline Photography
From 6pm on, we will shoot the NY city skyline from NJ - led by Marty Joffe a very experienced and accomplished photographer who knows all the places to go for that special shot.
Marty has been actively involved in photography for the past 50 years. He has performed various club functions such as President of the Rockland Photography Club and Field Trip Chairman of the Ridgewood Camera Club as well as their Workshop Chairman.
All Content © Sparta Camera Club and their respective members. No photos displayed on this site may be used without permission from the credited photographer.