SCC will hold its annual holiday party on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 7 pm at the Sparta Ambulance Squad Building.
All members and their spouses or guests are welcome. it is a great opportunity to catch up with or meet the other SCC members.
Members are asked to bring something to share such as appetizers, desserts, small sandwiches, etc. There will be beverages provided by SCC.
Edwin Kleine will do a presentation showing the photos from his recent trip to Iceland. This will be followed by the SCC Annual Facebook Header Competition.
Members may submit up to 2 images sized 1,640 wide x 600 pixels high (1.91:1 ratio) on Photo Contest Pro. The winners will be posted on the club's Facebook page each month. We will be looking for 10-11 winners for the 2024 year.
All Content © Sparta Camera Club and their respective members. No photos displayed on this site may be used without permission from the credited photographer.