SCC is holding its annual Holiday Party and Facebook Competition on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00 PM. Steve and Paula Firmender will share their photos and adventures from their recent trip to Portugal.
We will also hold our annual Facebook Header competition. SCC has a Facebook page and we feature a member's photo on the header each month. You can submit up to three photos on Photo Contest Pro.
Note: the photos have special size requirements to fit the header on the page. They should be landscape layout and sized 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels high. If they are square or portrait layouts, they will not fit.
All members attending are asked to bring appetizers or desserts to this event.
Please register if you are planning on coming so we know how many to expect. Spouses and SO's are welcome.
All Content © Sparta Camera Club and their respective members. No photos displayed on this site may be used without permission from the credited photographer.